Saturday, April 13, 2013
"What is Behind the Kermit Gosnell News Blackout?"
The particulars of the evidence and testimony are just awful.
That hasn't stopped the media before, so what's going on here?...
On his blog, Patterico discusses it:
"The story has been pooh-poohed as a 'local crime story' by national reporters. As Jim Geraghty points out, what was the O.J. Simpson trial? The Trayvon Martin case? The arrest of Henry Louis Gates? I would add to that stories about serial murderers of strangers, which often make national news — or indeed, the single murder of any abortion doctor. The fundamental irony is expressed well by John Nolte:
If someone had killed Kermit Gosnell you can BET YOUR LIFE media would cover it. He (allegedly) kills SEVEN and *crickets*.
— John Nolte(@NolteNC) April 12, 2013
The attempt by leftists to black out the story is so complete, they’re even considering deleting the Wikipedia article about Gosnell."