Thursday, April 04, 2013
Left’s continuing war on women
Every scenario one can think of is being brought into play to justify the opposing points of view.
"Protection from abuse" court orders are discussed in this article...
On the World Net Daily website, Ann Coulter begins by picking on the New York Times and then moves on to some good points:
"Numerous studies, including one by the National Institute of Justice, show that crime victims who resist a criminal with a gun are less likely to be injured than those who do not resist at all or who resist without a gun. That’s true even when the assailant is armed. Liberals’ advice to rape and domestic abuse victims is: Lie back and enjoy it. The Times’ advice is: Get a protective order. The NRA’s advice is: Blow the dirtbag’s head off. Or, for the delicate: Resist with a gun, the only effective means to stop an attack."