Wednesday, January 09, 2013
"The Socialist Mind Game: A Brief Manual"
Perhaps it's because some are more capable of deep thinking, while others are caught up in the "fluff".
Read this article and decide what you see...
At, Oleg Atbashian presents part of his case that we are being duped:
"Listening to Obama now, one could have never guessed that these are the same 'Bush's tax cuts,' against which he had vigorously campaigned in the past -- just like one could have never learned from his previous speeches that the reviled 'tax cuts for the rich' had been saving middle-class families as much as $2,200 a year.
Until recently, the $2,200 amount was treated as classified information, which the Administration and the compliant media deemed unfit for consumption by the unwashed masses.
Now that Obama wins reelection and needs to postpone the economic disaster caused by his first term, he 'declassifies' the previously subversive amount and parades it on as a centerpiece of his new glorious campaign for the people. Simply put, Obama first discredits his predecessor's idea, then steals it, bundles it with a job-killing tax hike, and rebrands it as his own benevolent gift to the toiling masses.
Judging by responses on Obama's official blog,, and Twitter, many of his supporters believe they are actually getting something out of it -- but in reality they are about to lose what they have due to the resulting cutbacks, layoffs, and price increases.
As the Game goes on..."