Thursday, January 10, 2013
"Fiscal Cliff's Dirty Secret: It's Not About Taxes At All, But Too Much Spending"
Unfortunately, our elected officials keep kicking that can down the road.
Even worse, the apparently state run media will not even pose a hard question to those who can do something about it...
Senator Rand Paul gives us some straight talk at
"Is it any wonder people are fed up with their government? The president announces we have no time for spending reforms, but when the deadline passes I predict not one committee will step into the breach to begin the process of reform.
Why? Because Democratic leadership still insists that Social Security and Medicare are just fine. Meanwhile, Social Security actuaries tell us that Social Security this year will spend $165 billion more than it receives. Medicare will spend $3 for every $1 it collects. Yet, the president says he doesn't have time for entitlement reform.
The "fiscal cliff" scenario has come and gone. The only question now is: How do we recover?
The only solution is to cut spending. It's no secret to anyone, except perhaps Washington leaders, that our current levels of spending are not only unsustainable, but the main culprit in our fiscal crisis."