Monday, November 19, 2012
"Opening the Gates of Hell"
Hundreds of rockets a day are being fired at their civilian population, and it's their RETALIATION that is criticized.
It's Bizarro World indeed...
In an article at, Lauri B. Regan writes and elaborates on what's going on:
"Alas, Israel must not only defend its borders and protect its people. The world forces it to defend the military intervention required to ensure its survival while ignoring its autonomous right to do so. It is like walking into Bizarro-World as we learn of the anti-Israel protests occurring across the globe, complete with chants supporting terrorists and attacking Israel.
From New York to Tel Aviv, London to Quebec, Boston to Paris, and Sydney to Beirut, the pro-Palestinian misinformation campaign is out in full force, continuing to co-opt the narrative and portray the bad guys as the victims rather than the terrorists they really are. And while the pro-Israel demonstrators say prayers and psalms, their counterparts scream hate and call for vengeance and destruction.
What type of insane society do we live in where murderers are defended by citizens across the globe? What hope does the world have when the division between right and wrong no longer exists and murdering innocent civilians is deemed a fundamental right of a people who do not like their neighbors? It is a mad world and one that will not be able to sustain itself if the forces of evil have their way."