Monday, November 26, 2012
"Obama drops God from Thanksgiving address for fourth year straight"
When it comes to God, President Obama's actions are often criticized...
John Jalsevac reports about it at He begins:
"For the fourth year straight, President Obama has omitted any direct statement thanking God in his Thanksgiving address. In 2009 President Obama made history when he issued the first presidential Thanksgiving proclamation that failed to directly thank God. There was an outcry, and Obama’s subsequent proclamations have made prominent mention of God. However, as Ben Shapiro of Breitbart points out, his Thanksgiving addresses (as opposed to the proclamations), which he reads to the camera, have continued to eschew mention of God. In his 2012 Thanksgiving address, Obama says that Thanksgiving is “a time to give thanks for each other, and for the incredible bounty we enjoy.”"