Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Bloggers Spot More Dead Child Fakery by Hamas; CNN Fooled
The world's media is continuously played and duped by terrorist groups.
Apparently, any idea of verification before publication, has long since gone by the wayside...
Apparently, any idea of verification before publication, has long since gone by the wayside...
At Breitbart.com, Joel S. Pollak explains what's going on:
"Hamas has a well-established pattern of faking civilian deaths in Gaza, even as it seeks civilian deaths in Israel (and fakes that, too, pretending it is firing at military targets). Last week, Breitbart News caught Hamas using a month-old photo of a dead Syrian boy and claiming he had been killed by Israel--a double irony, since the Assad regime that killed the boy hosted Hamas for years before the outbreak of the Syrian civil war.
The international community has reinforced Hamas’s pattern of fakery by applying a double standard to Palestinian civilians killed by Israel and Palestinian civilians killed by Hamas. When Israeli artillery inadvertently killed civilians in Beit Hanoun in 2006, the world sprang into action with accusations of 'war crime'; when errant Palestinian rockets have struck civilians in Beit Hanoun, the world has said nothing at all."