Tuesday, October 02, 2012
The Media - and the Pollsters
It would seem that most of them have been compromised, bought off, coerced, or intimidated into reporting with a certain bias.
As I've likely posted before, it does NOT serve Americans well...
At Townhall.com, Hugh Hewitt presents his view on the presidential election polling we are being deluged with. His opinion is backed with interviews that might just give you pause to realize what's really going on:
"The conversations with the experts are the most revealing, however, and the Manhattan-Beltway media elite has really failed to do even minimal homework here, choosing instead to go with the conclusions of the people they have paid to give them data, thus outsourcing their work. In this respect big media resembles nothing so much as investors in Bernie Madoff's funds. Madoff never got asked tough questions by his investors or the SEC, and thus he rampaged through his clients' cash. Big news organizations that turn off their skepticism and write checks to polling firms are doing the same thing and for the same reason: They lack the skills to do their own analyses, and they don't want to be thought stupid for asking obvious questions. I don't mind admitting I don't know why a sample should include 10% more Democrats than Republicans, so I ask --and ask and ask. This is what journalists do. Unless, apparently, they have paid for the product or want badly to believe it is true. But don't believe me. Read the interviews. "