Wednesday, June 06, 2012
To Reduce Concussions, Ban Football Helmets - Forbes
BUT, if the real fix is harsh, would we be willing to do it?...
John Tammy writes about it at He begins with this:
"Though he’s perhaps best known for his groundbreaking work in the area of public choice economic theory, economist Gordon Tullock once famously observed that mechanical innovations meant to promote greater automobile safety essentially achieve the opposite. If driver safety is the goal, then it would be wisest to mandate spears on car steering wheels that would impale the driver in the event of an accident. Reduced to the absurd, if death were the near certain result of unsafe driving, then it’s safe to say that the latter would disappear as its consequences became more real. Seatbelts, anti-lock brakes and airbags are great, but is it possible that a greater frequency of unsafe driving has been an unintended result of advances that have softened the negative results of car accidents?"