Friday, June 29, 2012
In Our World - "Book flap at U Texas Middle Eastern Center"
Stories like this should make it clear that "blending in" is NEVER a consideration for certain groups of people...
Joe Sterling recently wrote about this on CNN's blog site:
"Arab authors pulled out of a planned short-story anthology honoring a late professor because it included Israeli writers, and that stance eventually led to the cancellation of the project. Called the 'Memory of a Promise: Short Stories by Middle Eastern Women,' the book was dedicated to the late Elizabeth B.J. Warnock Fernea, a professor of comparative literature and Middle East Studies at the Austin campus. It contained fiction from 29 female authors, from the Arab world, Turkey, Iran, and Israel, a fitting honor to Fernea who wrote 'In Search of Islamic Feminism: One Woman's Global Journey' and 'Guests of the Sheik' about Iraq."