Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Global Warming
Perhaps, it's the horrible economy or the coming election.
Or maybe, it's articles like these...
The U.K.'s is reporting this:
"1930s photos show Greenland glaciers retreating faster than today"
Australia's comments on sea levels rising:
"The excuses for the upwards adjustments stretch credulity. One of the sea-level adjustments that increases the trend is a 'correction' for rising land (globally) – Seriously: 10% of recorded sea level rise is conmpensation for the land apparently rising too. In any case, even if sea-levels are rising still (could be), they started rising long before we started using coal to produce electricity, see It wasn’t CO2: Global sea levels started rising before 1800. And in the case of Australia, Australian sea level rises exaggerated by 8 fold (or maybe ten) ."
And Peter Ferrara writes to support this headline at
"Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling"