Wednesday, May 23, 2012
"The Media Mess of Pottage?"
Evidently, they have collectively decided to stay their course, regardless of it's foreseeable self-destructive outcome...
At, Steve McCann offers a strong indictment of the liberal media. He also elaborates as to how their bias seems to be destroying their financial and employment stability:
"The two pre-eminent pillars of the mainstream media, The Washington Post and The New York Times, have put all Republicans on notice that the media will hunt down rumors of anything untoward, even as far back as from when these Republicans were in high school, and feature it on their front page regardless of its veracity. Further, any conservative thinking of speaking out against Barack Obama, even if he plans to spend his own money, will be publicly labeled as a racist and a bigot, and his business will be the target of left-wing pressure groups."