Tuesday, March 27, 2012
"The Girl Scouts: Planned Parenthood's 'Tactical Arm'"
The Girl Scouts have changed; and NOT for the better...
Catherine Glenn Foster writes about it at AmericanThinker.com:
"Indiana State Representative Rob Morris (R-Ft. Wayne) sounded a clarion call on these matters last month, when he noticed that out of fifty role models the Girl Scouts currently provide for their members, '[o]nly three have a briefly mentioned religious background -- all the rest are feminists, lesbians, or communists.'
Morris went so far as to refer to the Girl Scouts as the 'tactical arm' of Planned Parenthood.
And although the Girl Scouts bemoaned Morris's reference, it was made at about the same time that Pelosi was boasting of the 'valuable' and strong relationship between the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood. Moreover, it came on the heels of a teenage Girl Scout employee being order to turn her 'T-shirt inside out or leave' when she wore a 'Pray to End Abortion' shirt to work during off-duty hours.
Some former Girl Scouts have parted ways with the organization because of brochures like one labeled, 'How to Know You Are Ready for Sex.' It's a Planned Parenthood brochure with the Girl Scout logo on the back. Others are appalled that Girl Scouts of the USA is a member organization of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), which publicly advocates for abortion, contraceptives, sexual diversity, and 'comprehensive' sexual education."