Wednesday, January 11, 2012
"Shell investing billions in Alaska to chase ‘giant’ offshore opportunity"
Oil. In America. Isn't that cool?
Let's go Shell!...
Let's go Shell!...
Lisa Demer has this in her story about it at
"'This is the stuff that most of the world was finding in the 1930s, the 1950s, the 1960s, in places like Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, Nigeria,' Phelps said. 'This one potential resource far outweighs any single field we’ve got in the Americas’ portfolio.'
More than in the Gulf of Mexico, where drilling rigs checker the ocean and Shell led the way into deepwater zones that produce more oil than anyone predicted.
More than in Brazil, where Shell is the second-biggest oil producer after the state energy company.
More than in Canada, where Shell is investing billions to extract thick, sticky crude from tarsands."