Wednesday, January 25, 2012
"Newt's Third Law"
The Nazi regime clearly understood the power of the media.
Unfortunately, a reluctance to learn from history may be the cause of Americans not recognizing what seems to have been going on for the past half-century...
Unfortunately, a reluctance to learn from history may be the cause of Americans not recognizing what seems to have been going on for the past half-century..., Clarice Feldman includes this in a recent article:
"If you are old enough to remember -- or well read enough to have learned -- the American press pictured Adlai Stevenson as a brilliant man and Dwight Eisenhower, the head of the European Theater of Command, an historic and monumental achievement, as a bumbling idiot. It was only well after the election that we learned that Stevenson had flunked out of his first year at Harvard Law School and the school's Dean had locked those records of that fact away. This press generated dichotomy -- of Democrats smart, Republicans stupid -- continues to this day. "