Tuesday, January 10, 2012
"Good news! Sea levels aren't rising dangerously"
The advocates of human caused climate change continue with their scare tactics, and the people with opposing views keep firing back with disproving data.
It is clearly not "settled science" as some would have us believe...
It is clearly not "settled science" as some would have us believe...
James Delingpole writes about it at the U.K.'s Coffee House Spectator Blog:
"This week's Spectator cover star Nils-Axel Mörner brings some good news to a world otherwise mired in misery: sea levels are not rising dangerously – and haven't been for at least 300 years. To many readers this may come as a surprise. After all, are not rising sea levels – caused, we are given to understand, by melting glaciers and shrinking polar ice – one of the main planks of the IPCC's argument that we need to act now to 'combat climate change'?
But where the IPCC's sea level figures are based on computer 'projections', questionable measurements and arbitrary adjustments, Mörner's are based on extensive field observations. His most recent trip to Goa in India last month – just like his previous expeditions to Bangladesh and the Maldives – has only served to confirm his long-held view that reports of the world's imminent inundation have been greatly exaggerated for ends that have more to do with political activism than science"