Thursday, January 19, 2012
Badly Written Bad Rules -
It bears repeating that our elected officials are basically bunglers forever trying to gain favor (votes) by enacting legislation to "help" us.
Unfortunately, bad rules only create the opportunity to "rescue" us again.
It's a never ending story...
Unfortunately, bad rules only create the opportunity to "rescue" us again.
It's a never ending story...
Late last year, the Wall Street Journal opined about the quality of federal regulations:
"The Mercatus Center evaluates all major rules that cost over $100 million a year on a composite score of a dozen regulatory best practices. The Health and Human Services Department's highest-scoring ObamaCare rules came in at 25 out of 60 points, the lowest at 13. These are not merely bad grades. They are relative Fs on the regulatory curve—about 35% to 40% lower than the averages for the other rules that the executive branch put out in 2008 and 2009. The ObamaCare rules score lower than other HHS rules in 2009."