Monday, November 07, 2011
"Gunwalker: Lanny Breuer Fails to Take Pressure off Eric Holder"
What a tangled web this is.
Everything denied previously is turning out to be true.
Obviously, a scapegoat or "fall guy" is needed; however, the content of emails and documents seem to implicate everyone.
As usual, the coverup (remember Watergate?) is likely to be the "take down" item...
Everything denied previously is turning out to be true.
Obviously, a scapegoat or "fall guy" is needed; however, the content of emails and documents seem to implicate everyone.
As usual, the coverup (remember Watergate?) is likely to be the "take down" item...
Bob Owens discusses the issue at, offering this conclusion:
"The evidence is mounting against DOJ, DHS, and the White House, and things only got worse when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that her department was not alerted to Operation Fast and Furious. This means that the Arms Export Control Act was morel than likely violated, and strongly suggests that the administration committed thousands of felony violations of the act in addition to the other laws that may have been broken."