Wednesday, November 16, 2011
"The Five Most Infantile Beliefs on Display at the ‘Occupy’ Tantrums"
So, what do you think? Does this shoe fit?...
Kyle-Anne Shiver offers this and much more at
"These young Obama voters — who in 2008 exchanged their liberal parents’ adolescent rallying cry of 'Our hope is in dope!' for the even more stupid 'That dope is our hope!' — are now angry 'bitter clingers' who refuse to let go of their infantile delusions. The One “they were waiting for” has failed to deliver their fairy tale utopia, so they throw a public tantrum in every city stupid enough to put up with them.
Hordes of good minds so thoroughly wasted in a vainglorious celebration of immaturity and weak character is not a pretty sight. And it bodes horrible ills for the future of this country.
But unless we recognize the fundamental childish beliefs now being trotted out by leftist news people as 'high philosophy' and 'significant political issues,' then we are bound to repeat our parenting tomfoolery all the way to the destruction of this grand republic.
So in the interest of saving America, let’s first recognize the five most infantile beliefs of the OWS kids. These youngsters will go down in history as the biggest bunch of booby-brats ever produced by an advanced civilization."