Monday, November 21, 2011
Canada – $6b to cut global temps by 0.0007 C. - Just $84Trillion per degree!
84 trillion to make a 1 degree change!
Am I missing something, or is the idea of cost-benefit analysis a forgotten technique?...
Am I missing something, or is the idea of cost-benefit analysis a forgotten technique?...
"JoNova" writes about it on her website:
"Christopher Monckton has analyzed the Canadian regulatory action on “Coal Emissions” and finds that, as usual, legislators are choosing the most expensive option possible with other people’s money. Environment Canada wants to spend $6 billion to reduce the atmospheric concentration of a trace molecule by 0.01 ppmv, and assuming there is any advantage in doing so, it would still cost one-eighteenth as much to just do nothing, suck it and see, and pay for all the theoretical damage that could ensue."