Monday, October 31, 2011
The Media - the Los Angeles Times
Just compare the headline to the 2nd paragraph of the article.
Apparently, this newspaper is reluctant to be up front with the facts.
"Headline only" readers would never know who really was involved...
Apparently, this newspaper is reluctant to be up front with the facts.
"Headline only" readers would never know who really was involved...
The L.A. Times reported:
"Insurgents mounted several attacks across Afghanistan Saturday, including a car bomb that hit a NATO military vehicle in downtown Kabul, killing thirteen."
Sunday, October 30, 2011
2011-10-30 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, October 29, 2011
"Norway? No way!"
As happens so often, even though some are a bit uncivilized, I enjoy the comments...
Kenneth K. Ebmeier shared his thoughts about Norway at
"As 'nanny states' go, Norway is just about the top of the heap. Supposedly, Norwegians are some of the happiest people on earth. They seem to just send most if not all their money to the government and they are taken care of pretty much cradle to grave."
Friday, October 28, 2011
Government at Work - Error: -
Government vs. the private sector.
Want to bet who does it better with a website?..
Want to bet who does it better with a website?..
The Wall Street Journal has some details:
"Americans in search of federal employment can go to a website called, which matches openings with applicants. Since 2004, the feds have outsourced the site's operation to Good call by whoever was in charge in 2004. is the private company that pioneered employment websites and is today the largest job search engine in the world.
But 18 months ago the 'smart' Obama Office of Personnel Management decided the federal government could do a better job of running It spent some $6 million developing a new in-house version of the site, promising to improve the job-search experience. It unveiled its creation two weeks ago. It's a monster all right.
The volume of requests instantly crushed government servers, slowed the system and locked out thousands of applicants."
Thursday, October 27, 2011
"Windmills to shut at night following demise of rare bat"
Some say our use of fossil fuels harms the environment.
Unfortunately, the wind power alternative seems to affect the environment in a different way...
Unfortunately, the wind power alternative seems to affect the environment in a different way...
Kathy Mellott has another of those windpower stories in Johnstown, PA's
"Night operation of the windmills in the North Allegheny Windpower Project has been halted following discovery of a dead Indiana bat under one of the turbines, an official with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Monday.
The finding marks only the second location where an Indiana bat has been found dead under a wind turbine. Two Indiana bats were found under turbines in the Mid-west, said Clint Riley, supervisor for Fish and Wildlife’s Pennsylvania field office.
'While finding the dead bat is not good news for any of us, it does show the monitoring works,' Riley said from his State College office.
The find is significant because the Indiana bat is an endangered species and is protected by the federal Endangered Species Act.
The 35-windmill farm was built by Gamesa Energy USA in Portage, Washington and Cresson townships in Cambria County and extends across the line into Blair County."
"This is how Windows get infected with malware"
Sometimes we are presented with a nagging computer update almost every day.
After reading this, you may understand why, and perhaps be less annoyed...
After reading this, you may understand why, and perhaps be less annoyed... explains why:
"When a Microsoft Windows machine gets infected by viruses/malware it does so mainly because users forget to update the Java JRE, Adobe Reader/Acrobat and Adobe Flash. This is revealed by a survey conducted by CSIS Security Group A/S."
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Rick Perry: My Tax and Spending Reform Plan -
Presidential candidate Rick Perry has a tax revision plan...
He writes about it in the Wall Street Journal:
"The folks in Washington might not like to hear it, but the plain truth is the U.S. government spends too much. Taxes are too high, too complex, and too riddled with special interest loopholes. And our expensive entitlement system is unsustainable in the long run.
Without significant change quickly, our nation will go the way of some in Europe: mired in debt and unable to pay our bills. President Obama and many in Washington seem unable or unwilling to tackle these issues, either out of fear of alienating the left or because they want Americans to be dependent on big government.
On Tuesday I will announce my 'Cut, Balance and Grow' plan to scrap the current tax code, lower and simplify tax rates, cut spending and balance the federal budget, reform entitlements, and grow jobs and economic opportunity."
"Oops: Energy Department contractors caught altering old press releases involving another troubled green-energy project"
As they say, it's the coverup that always gets you.
I can't believe that people still think they can get away with stuff like this...
I can't believe that people still think they can get away with stuff like this...
AllahPundit posted this and a video at
"Presumably DOE wants to do what little it can to scrub the company from its database before it melts down and another hugely embarrassing 'federal-backed green project goes bust' media cycle begins."
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
"Can Obama hold on to African American voters in 2012?"
There's a term known as "race baiting".
I think this qualifies.
"Race baiters" are not helpful in calming racial attitudes...
I think this qualifies.
"Race baiters" are not helpful in calming racial attitudes...
Krissah Thompson reported on it in the Washington Post:
"'Let’s not even deal with the facts right now. Let’s deal with just our blackness and pride — and loyalty,' Joyner wrote on his blog. 'We have the chance to re-elect the first African-American president, and that’s what we ought to be doing. And I’m not afraid or ashamed to say that as black people, we should do it because he’s a black man.'"
Meanwhile - in the U.K. - Kids are skipping school
One way or another, schools are having problems no matter where they are.
And money doesn't seem to be fixing anything...
And money doesn't seem to be fixing anything...
Graeme Paton recently report in the U.K. Daily Telegraph:
"A hard-core of 'persistent absentees' avoided 15 per cent of total lesson time, it was revealed, despite billions spent by the last Government attempting to keep children in school.
Official figures show almost one-in-10 secondary school pupils and more than one-in-20 of those in primary education regularly skipped school in the autumn and spring terms."
Monday, October 24, 2011
Government at Work - "Shocking Report Reveals the Pentagon's Addiction to Fraudulent Contractors"
I bet you already guessed that you won't like the answer...
George Zornick answers that question at
"How often does the Pentagon award contracts to defense companies that have already been proven to be defrauding taxpayers? A report the Department of Defense did at the request of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) reveals an answer that should make Washington very uncomfortable."
Password Checker: Using Strong Passwords
Passwords are a necessary evil.
Some are easy to guess. Some are easy to "crack"...
Some are easy to guess. Some are easy to "crack"...
Here's a, link where you can check the strength of your passwords:
"The strength of a password depends on the different types of characters that you use, the overall length of the password, and whether the password can be found in a dictionary. It should be at least 14 characters long."
Sunday, October 23, 2011
2011-10-23 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, October 22, 2011
"'Mini-Ark' invented for tsunamis"
It's "mini" for sure; but, if it saves you, who cares?
That being said, aren't the Japanese really clever?...
That being said, aren't the Japanese really clever?...
I found this at in Australia:
"Japanese inventors have come up with a novel way for residents to save themselves if the country is struck by another deadly tsunami: a mini Ark that looks like a giant tennis ball."
"'Inexhaustible' source of hydrogen may be unlocked by salt water, engineers say"
Here's another possible source that could subsidize future energy needs... recently reported on this recent Penn State report:
"'This system could produce hydrogen anyplace that there is wastewater near sea water,' said Bruce E. Logan, Kappe Professor of Environmental Engineering. 'It uses no grid electricity and is completely carbon neutral. It is an inexhaustible source of energy.'"
Friday, October 21, 2011
Google Self-Driving Car In Action
Are you ready for something like this?...
Thursday, October 20, 2011
St. Joseph County Democratic Chairman Butch Morgan resigns
Election fraud is frequently dismissed as inconsequential.
And then there's this...
And then there's this...
Kevin Allen includes this gem in his reporting:
"Without the suspected fake signatures, it's likely Obama and possibly Clinton would not have had enough signatures to be on the state primary ballot."
"How TV Debates Have Changed the Race -
Considering the media's known bias, I have to agree that the Republican candidates are disadvantaged.
As long as the moderators control the questions, there is potential for "mischief"...
As long as the moderators control the questions, there is potential for "mischief"...
Fred Barnes recently wrote about the presidential debates in the Wall Street Journal. He included this:
"For Republicans, a campaign dominated by televised debates has two disadvantages. It puts the folks they loathe, the press, in control. The media can dwell on subjects such as tax cuts for the rich or social issues that one or more of the candidates would prefer not to discuss. They are hard pressed to squeeze their talking points into the dialogue. Mr. Obama gets a pass.
Since the media pit the candidates against each other, Mr. Obama's strategists get an early glimpse of the vulnerabilities of the Republican candidates, their strengths and weaknesses on issues, and the attacks used most effectively against them. All Mr. Obama has to do is sit back and enjoy the show."
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Health News - Potatoes
Potatoes equal potassium...
Kris Caputo Hurley reports this at
"Potatoes were the lowest cost source of dietary potassium, a nutrient identified by the 2010 Dietary Guidelines as lacking in the American diet. The high cost of meeting federal dietary guidelines for potassium, 4,700 mg per person per day, presents a challenge for consumers and health professionals, alike. However, the cost of potassium-rich white potatoes was half that of most other vegetables."
"Pink Ribbon Scandal"
Charities have always been somewhat of a problem for me.
It's certainly not their stated intended purpose.
It is the "middleman" concept.
Far too often, we learn that our well intended donations don't exactly get to where we thought they were going...
It's certainly not their stated intended purpose.
It is the "middleman" concept.
Far too often, we learn that our well intended donations don't exactly get to where we thought they were going...
The website Pink Ribbon Scandal is taking issue with the Susan G. Komen Foundation:
"Texas Right to Life urges Susan G. Komen Foundation to stop sponsoring Planned Parenthood immediately and to start benefiting real health clinics for women. Furthermore, Texas Right to Life calls on Pro-Life individuals to boycott the Susan G. Komen Foundation and its 'Race for the Cure' until Komen severs all ties and affiliations with Planned Parenthood. "
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
How the Campaign Season Got So Long -
We probably all wonder about the answer to this...
Larry J. Sabato recently provided some answers in the Wall Street Journal:
"What is novel, though, is the growing length of the overt public campaign for party nominations. For that we can largely thank Jimmy Carter.
Before 1976, extensive private preparations notwithstanding, candidates almost always waited until the actual calendar year of the election before announcing their candidacy. Mr. Carter changed that when he practically became a resident of Iowa, site of the country's first nominating contest, shortly after he left office as governor of Georgia in 1975. His successful strategy became the new norm, copied by candidates in both parties since."
PGPfoundation's Channel - YouTube
During the recent Republican presidential candidate debate, these commercials were run.
Basically, they present what could be children's points of view as to what elected officials should be considering in order to give children a chance at a secure future....
Basically, they present what could be children's points of view as to what elected officials should be considering in order to give children a chance at a secure future....
Here's the introduction video:
And ere's the link to the Peter G. Peterson Foundation's website where all those commercials are posted:
"This series of commercials will be televised during the October 11, 2011 Bloomberg / Washington Post Republican Presidential Debate. The Peter G. Peterson is the official broadcast sponsor of the debate"
Monday, October 17, 2011
"Today’s 22% Hidden Sales Tax vs. Cain’s 9% Visible Sales Tax"
Herman Cain has a major education and selling job ahead.
Elected officials always separate business taxes from individual taxes, not to mention business license "fees", and who knows what else.
Most Americans just don't comprehend that every tax on business are taxes on everyone...
Elected officials always separate business taxes from individual taxes, not to mention business license "fees", and who knows what else.
Most Americans just don't comprehend that every tax on business are taxes on everyone...
The Nerds4Cain website posts about the beauty of Herman Cain's "9-9-9" tax plans:
"What is a sales tax? It is a tax that is paid by a customer when they purchase a retail item. Today, because of the way our tax system is configured, 22% of the retail price of any item purchased is due to hidden taxes embedded into the price."
Republicans in Hollywood
Just in case you want to know...
I found this list at
"While Hollywood is comprised of mostly strong Democrats, there are a few conservative folks who stand tall and strong."
Government at Work - "How We Pay $3,700 Per Passenger to Subsidize Airline Tickets"
Politicians! Are they now the root of all evil?
Maybe not; however, they ARE clearly at the root of wasteful spending...
Maybe not; however, they ARE clearly at the root of wasteful spending...
Richard Pollock recently reported on this at
"Overall, airline companies get subsidies to fly into 153 cities, many of which are only about an hour away from a major airport. Federal money is paid to the airlines and in return they agree to fly into small-town airports.
According to the House Committee on Transportation, in fiscal year 2010, 34 EAS communities averaged fewer than 10 passengers per day per airport. Of these 34 communities, 22 had so few passengers that, on average, there were more pilots onboard the flights than passengers."
Sunday, October 16, 2011
2011-10-15 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Meanwhile - in the U.K. - 80 mph
Hope they don't have potholes...
Hope they don't have potholes...
Allegra Stratton reported this in the U.K. Guardian:
"The government plans to raise the speed limit to 80mph from 70mph in a victory for the transport secretary, Philip Hammond.
Hammond said on Thursday he will launch a consultation later this year with a view to introducing the new limit in 2013.
The new policy is part of a determined bid to shift the government on to the side of the motorists after successive governments appeared keen to discourage driving."
Friday, October 14, 2011
The Truth About Who Fights for Us -
This is surprising to me.
I must admit that my perception of this was quite different...
I must admit that my perception of this was quite different...
Ann Marlowe includes this fact among others in her Wall Street Journal article:
"And yet the mythology refuses to die. Just last week, two well-educated and well-known writer acquaintances of mine remarked in passing on the 'fact' that those who serve in the U.S. military typically have no other career options. America's soldiers, they said, were poor and black.
They don't mean this to denigrate their service—no, they mean it as a critique of American society, which turns its unemployed into cannon fodder. Especially today with high unemployment, the charge goes, hapless youths we fail to educate are embarking on a one-way trip to Afghanistan.
These allegations—most frequently leveled at the Army, the military's biggest service and the one with the highest casualty rate—are false."
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Chinese sceptics see global warming as US conspiracy
Aside from the quoted paragraphs here, there are some interesting facts in this article...
John Garnaut recently wrote about it in the Sydney Morning Herald:
"'Global warming is a bogus proposition,' says Zhang Musheng, one of China's most influential intellectuals and a close adviser to a powerful and hawkish general in the People's Liberation Army, Liu Yuan.
Mr Zhang told the Herald that global warming was an American ruse to sell green energy technology and thereby claw its way out of its deep structural economic problems."
"Wind Companies Not Prosecuted for Killing Birds"
If you're looking for a disparity of justice, here it is...
At, Dave Urbanski compares this with how an oil company gets treated:
"The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) estimated in 2009 that about 440,000 birds were being killed by wind turbines, the ABC reports. With an anticipated twelve-fold wind energy build-out by the year 2030, bird mortality is expected to dramatically increase in the coming years, absent significant changes in the way wind farms are sited and operated. Based on studies, one wind farm in California is estimated to have killed more than 2,000 eagles, plus thousands of other birds, yet no prosecution has been initiated for violations of federal laws protecting birds."
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
"Holder isolated in his bunker, awaiting the coup de gr�ce"
Some are saying that this "Fast and Furious" thing is worse than Watergate and the Iran Contra affair.
While that remains to be seen, the behavior of the Attorney General and others seems quite the opposite of open and transparent.
Congressman Issa is pushing for answers and has sent a pretty strong letter to Attorney General Holder...
While that remains to be seen, the behavior of the Attorney General and others seems quite the opposite of open and transparent.
Congressman Issa is pushing for answers and has sent a pretty strong letter to Attorney General Holder...
SipeyStreetIrregulars website has this and also the entire letter:
"Mr. Attorney General, you have made numerous statements about Fast and Furious that have eventually been proven to be untrue. Your lack of trustworthiness while speaking about Fast and Furious has called into question your overall credibility as Attorney General. The time for deflecting blame and obstructing our investigation is over. The time has come for you to come clean to the American public about what you knew about Fast and Furious, when you knew it, and who is going to be held accountable for failing to shut down a program that has already had deadly consequences, and will likely cause more casualties for years to come.
Operation Fast and Furious was the Department’s most significant gun trafficking case. It related to two of your major initiatives – destroying the Mexican cartels and reducing gun violence on both sides of the border. On your watch, it went spectacularly wrong. Whether you realize yet or not, you own Fast and Furious. It is your responsibility."
Government at Work - at Lake of the Ozarks
When government is involved, strange things can happen.
Not to mention, lives being disrupted...
Not to mention, lives being disrupted...
Jeffrey Tomich writes about this at
"What's more, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission — the agency that regulates the lake, the dam and the hydroelectric plant — issued an order stating that all of the so-called nonconforming structures must be removed.
St. Louis-based Ameren, caught in the middle of the dispute, has asked the federal agency to reconsider, at least with respect to the 1,200-plus residences in jeopardy. The utility, which manages the shoreline under federal oversight, wants to redraw the hydroelectric project boundary to exclude most, if not all, of the homes in danger.
Meanwhile, the Walkers and many of their neighbors at the Lake Valley Condominiums — many with substantial portions of their life savings locked up in their homes — are scrambling for answers."
Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007
I'm wondering if you knew about this...
Andrew Breitbart has this story at
"Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007"
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
"Immigrants Want Cross Removed from Swiss Flag"
Do you see anything wrong with this? Well, I do!...
Soeren Kern reported this at
"An immigrant group based in Bern has called for the emblematic white cross to be removed from the Swiss national flag because as a Christian symbol it 'no longer corresponds to today's multicultural Switzerland.'
Ivica Petrusic, the vice president of Second@s Plus, a lobbying group that represents mostly Muslim second-generation foreigners in Switzerland (who colloquially are known as secondos) says the group will launch a nationwide campaign in October to ask Swiss citizens to consider adopting a flag that is less offensive to Muslim immigrants."
"The Hunger Hoax"
By now, this gambit should be obvious to us all.
I think the economics of cooking at home vs. fast food should actually be taught in schools.
Now, isn't that a radical thought?...
I think the economics of cooking at home vs. fast food should actually be taught in schools.
Now, isn't that a radical thought?...
Thomas Sowell sees what's behind it at
"We have now reached the point where the great majority of the people living below the official poverty level have such things as air-conditioning, microwave ovens, either videocassette recorders or DVD players, and own either a car or a truck.
Why are such people called 'poor'? Because they meet the arbitrary criteria established by Washington bureaucrats. Depending on what criteria are used, you can have as much official poverty as you want, regardless of whether it bears any relationship to reality.
Those who believe in an expansive, nanny state government need a large number of people in 'poverty' to justify their programs. They also need a large number of people dependent on government to provide the votes needed to keep the big nanny state going."
"Illegal immigrants have no right to free health care"
I don't know the details of Canada's constitution and laws, however, at face value: Wow!...
Adrian Humphreys recently reported this court action at Canada's
"An illegal immigrant has no right to free medical intervention or ongoing health care under the Charter of Rights, the Federal Court of Appeal has ruled in a precedent-setting decision."
Monday, October 10, 2011
Barack Obama - And his thinking on oil
Alternative energy is a noble cause for the future.
Unfortunately, thinking like this is hurting us now...
Unfortunately, thinking like this is hurting us now...
Abby W. Schacter reports this and more in the N.Y. Post:
"At a meeting at the White House, as Hamm told the Wall Street Journal, 'I told [Obama] of the revolution in the oil and gas industry and how we have the capacity to produce enough oil to enable America to replace OPEC. I wanted to make sure he knew about this.'
The president's reaction? "He turned to me and said, 'Oil and gas will be important for the next few years. But we need to go on to green and alternative energy. [Energy] Secretary [Steven] Chu has assured me that within five years, we can have a battery developed that will make a car with the equivalent of 130 miles per gallon.'" Mr. Hamm holds his head in his hands and says, 'Even if you believed that, why would you want to stop oil and gas development? It was pretty disappointing.'"
"The problem with foreign aid"
And rest assured, it IS a problem.
It just never seems to get to those it is intended to help...
It just never seems to get to those it is intended to help...
Peter Worthington recently wrote about it in the Toronto Sun:
"In too many cases, especially in Africa, the effect of foreign aid (especially government-to-government) has been to sustain and prop up dictatorships. Foreign aid enables dictators to depend on foreign aid to feed the people, while diverting domestic money to buying weapons and maintaining an army that enhances the dictatorship.
And that doesn’t take into account how much foreign aid money winds up in Swiss bank accounts."
Sunday, October 09, 2011
2011-10-09 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, October 08, 2011
"Stockholm underground arts"
DON'T "Click to Play".
Just scroll down to see the images...
Just scroll down to see the images...'s website has images of some far from average subway stations:
"The underground here is more than just a means of transport. It’s a full-time exhibition of modern arts."
Friday, October 07, 2011
"U.S. Scientists Discover Natural Agent That Kills Bacteria In Food"
This might be hard to swallow (pun intended)...
This story from included this:
"The agent reduces the growth of bacteria including E. coli, salmonella and listeria and could lead to sandwiches that stay fresh for more than a year,"
Thursday, October 06, 2011
The Media - Bias on Display
The media's bias seems to be getting worse (if that's possible).
Here's an example of similar behavior by two groups of people being treated in an exact opposite manner...
Here's an example of similar behavior by two groups of people being treated in an exact opposite manner...
Matthew Boyle calls attention to it at
"Malkin and Gainor also told TheDC that while news organizations have failed to report on these protesters’ lack of minority representation, tea party rallies attracted accusations of racism for what some reporters perceived was a similar lack of racial diversity.
'The liberal media will only engage in racial bean-counting of protest crowds when it serves their political ends: Namely, painting the Right as homogenous and non-inclusive,' Malkin said. 'We heard endless derision about the tea party’s lack of skin-color diversity from Hollywood and the national press. But not a peep about the Abercrombie & Fitch-meets-Apple central casting mob swamping lower Manhattan.'
Gainor added that mainstream media representatives 'only see what they want to see.' He said reporters scoured tea party rallies for evidence of racism, while failing to notice how “white” the left-wing crowds are."
"Gun Crime | Federal Bureau of Investigation"
How can this be?
I don't mean the statistics; I mean when will the media report it...
I don't mean the statistics; I mean when will the media report it...
C.J. Ciaramella IS reporting it at
"Despite increases in gun sales, gun crimes continued to decrease in the United States for the fourth straight year in 2010, according to the FBI.
The FBI recently released its Crime in The United States statistics for 2010. Overall, murders in the U.S. have decreased steadily since 2006, dropping from 15,087 to 12,996. Firearms murders — which made up 67 percent of all murders in the U.S. in 2010 — have followed this trend, decreasing by 14 percent.
At the same time that firearms murders were dropping, gun sales were surging."
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
"Ingratitude of Somali refugee family given 2m London home"
Try to wrap your brain around this...
Sam Greenhill recently reported in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"They say beggars can’t be choosers.
But in the case of jobless Somali refugee Saeed Khaliif and his family, it seems they can.
The Mail yesterday revealed how the Khaliifs have been given a £2million home in one of London’s most exclusive neighbourhoods, with taxpayers funding their £8,000-a-month rent.
The family had rejected a previous six-bedroom home in Coventry - where the bill for the public would have been a more reasonable £1,000 a month - simply because they wanted to live ‘closer to their friends’."
"Diet May Be Enough For Cholesterol Problems; Avoid Statin Side Effects"
This seems that it would be a person's first choice...
Sy Kraft reported it at
"New research demonstrates that a diet based around plants, nuts and high-fiber grains lowered 'bad' cholesterol more than a low-saturated-fat diet that was also vegetarian, meaning that one's dietary changes could be an alternative to statin medications for many people saving persons from some devastating side effects of the medications."
"A future for drones: automated killing"
This is no longer science fiction.
And keep in mind how many ways there are to track you...
And keep in mind how many ways there are to track you...
Peter Finn recently wrote about in in the Washington Post:
"The automated, unpiloted planes worked on their own, with no human guidance, no hand on any control.
After 20 minutes, one of the aircraft, carrying a computer that processed images from an onboard camera, zeroed in on the tarp and contacted the second plane, which flew nearby and used its own sensors to examine the colorful object. Then one of the aircraft signaled to an unmanned car on the ground so it could take a final, close-up look.
Target confirmed."
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
"America's Full of Energy"
CNG is Compressed Natural Gas and it works.
At this time, it's just one of several alternatives that could be the future of feuling our motor vehicles...
At this time, it's just one of several alternatives that could be the future of feuling our motor vehicles...
John Ransom discusses this option at
"The more I look into CNG for vehicles, the better the news gets. There is no refining required, as is necessary with crude oil. And America has a phenomenal natural supply. According to the CIA’s World Fact Book, the United States ranks number six, with nearly as much natural gas as Saudi Arabia.
The CNG that gets delivered to homes for heating and cooking is the same gas that fuels a CNG vehicle. So, while the distribution system is already in place for at-home fill-ups, the pressure is not sufficient to top off your car directly. So far, just one company, BRC FuelMaker, offers a solution. For about $4,500 plus installation, you can buy their Phill Home CNG Fuel Station that slowly pumps CNG directly into your car at the necessary compression. Honda has invested heavily in BRC to keep this option available to American customers."
"EPA Declares Hay a Pollutant"
Could this be true?
Does it seem like America is just determined to shoot itself in the foot?...
Does it seem like America is just determined to shoot itself in the foot?... has the story behind this on it's website:
"'Has the Environmental Protection Agency declared hay a pollutant?' an audience member asked. Callicrate responded affirmatively and explained that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently initiated a formal enforcement action against his Kansas feedlot for, among other things, failure to store his hay in a pollution containment zone. 'Now that EPA has declared hay a pollutant, every farmer and rancher that stores hay, or that leaves a broken hay bale in the field is potentially violating EPA rules and subject to an EPA enforcement action,' Callicrate said. 'How far are we going to let this agency go before we stand up and do something about it?'"
"Tories aim to entrench right to fly the flag"
This solution may soon be required in America also.
Sometime between 1776 and the present, "Old Glory" has become unwelcome in some venues...
Sometime between 1776 and the present, "Old Glory" has become unwelcome in some venues...
Jessica Murphy recently reported on the Canadian News website:
"'Canadians love and cherish their flag,' Don Valley West MP John Carmichael during a press conference Wednesday. He tabled the National Flag of Canada Act in the House of Commons Tuesday.
Heritage Minister James Moore said the proposed legislation would stop patriotic Canadians from being 'stepped on' by overzealous housing authorities, property owners and condo boards that try to force them to remove the Maple Leaf decorating their homes.
Offenders could face a fine or up to two years in jail."
Monday, October 03, 2011
"More evidence that spicing up broccoli boosts its cancer-fighting power"
Sometimes, health news seems to border on the bizarre.
But, then again, penicillin originates with fungus...
But, then again, penicillin originates with fungus...
Phyllis Picklesimer posted this recently at
"Scientists say that as little as three to five servings of broccoli a week provide a cancer-protective benefit.
'But it pays to spice it up for added benefits and find ways to make it appealing so you don't mind eating it if you're not a broccoli fan. I add fresh broccoli sprouts to sandwiches and add them as one of my pizza toppings after the pie is out of the oven,' Cramer said."
"What The Heck Is The 'Chilean Model'?"
I've posted about this before.
Considering how many badly thought out laws that have been passed, I'm distressed that our politicians are so reluctant to embrace policies that are PROVEN to work in other places...
Considering how many badly thought out laws that have been passed, I'm distressed that our politicians are so reluctant to embrace policies that are PROVEN to work in other places...
Linette Lopez recently called attention to this at
"Last night at his party's debate, GOP Presidential nominee Herman Cain shared his views on social security. He said that he advocated the 'Chilean model.'
Which prompted most people to say, huh?
We have your explanation-- here's how they do social security in Chile according to"
"'Trigger law' put to the test in Compton, Calif."
Here's an interesting concept...
Lee Cowan reports on it for NBC News:
"In the last two years, California, Texas and Mississippi have passed so-called 'parent trigger' laws. In each, the law stipulates that if at least 51 percent of the parents of children enrolled in a school sign a petition, they can trigger change. The laws vary in terms of the specifics, but in general, the new law allows parents at persistently failing schools to fire the teachers and principal, and in some cases, turn the school into a charter school instead. Twenty-two other states are considering giving parents the same kind of power."
Sunday, October 02, 2011
2011-10-02 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, October 01, 2011
"Near-Death Experiences: 30 Years of Research"
This is clearly a subject to read about, rather than risk a personal experience...
Stephanie Lam recently wrote about it at
"The phenomenon was coined near-death experiences (NDEs) in the 1975 book 'Life After Life' by Raymond Moody, M.D. and Ph.D. in philosophy and psychology. NDEs generally include cognitive, affective, paranormal, and transcendental experiences.
Examples of NDEs include experiencing a change in one’s perception and way of thinking, feeling peace or calmness, gaining extrasensory perception (ESP), going through a review of one’s life and seeing the effects of one’s actions on others, a feeling of leaving the body, seeing deceased people and other beings such as angels, and feeling as if one has entered another dimension.
NDEs are encountered by people of all backgrounds, and most studies find the prevalence of NDEs to be 10–20 percent of people who have come close to death."