Thursday, September 22, 2011
"More Lies: WH Emails Reveal Major Obamacare Accounting Fraud"
Long-Term Care for everyone. Sound goods, heh?
Well, it might have a chance to be good, IF politics weren't involved.
This article seems to indicate that LTC premiums were intended to falsely make ObamaCare APPEAR less costly.
Crony capitalism. Pay for play. Winning reelection at ANY cost.
Call it whatever you want, but oppose it and vote accordingly every chance you can...
Well, it might have a chance to be good, IF politics weren't involved.
This article seems to indicate that LTC premiums were intended to falsely make ObamaCare APPEAR less costly.
Crony capitalism. Pay for play. Winning reelection at ANY cost.
Call it whatever you want, but oppose it and vote accordingly every chance you can...
At, Guy Benson has this story:
"Rep. Paul Ryan exposed and debunked Democrats' most audacious tricks during the healthcare summit -- which of course did absolutely nothing to convince Democrats of the error of their ways. During his illuminating dissection of the bill, Ryan mentioned a provision called the CLASS Act, a new federally funded long-term care program embedded within Obamacare. Ryan quoted Sen. Kent Conrad, a Democrat, as decrying the program as a Madoff-style 'Ponzi scheme.' Why? Because the premiums supposedly collected to pay for the CLASS Act over Obamacare's first decade would be injected into that phony, contrived 'deficit reducing' CBO formula -- while the program itself would likely collapse under its own weight almost immediately. In other words, some critics suspected, Democrats were creating an entire program just to extract hypothetical dollars from its front-loaded revenue mechanism to 'pay for' the larger bill -- with no real intention of implementing a sustainable long-term care program. To outside observers like Ryan, it looked like a giant shell game. As we now know, it looked that way to inside observers, too. The AP has the hugely important exclusive:"