Tuesday, September 06, 2011
"Milwaukee Thug ID'ed as Former Teachers Union and SEIU Organizer"
This doesn't really surprise me.
The failure of the media to publicize people like this also doesn't surprise me...
The failure of the media to publicize people like this also doesn't surprise me...
At Townhall.com, Kyle Olson reports on one of them:
"In yesterday’s article, I wrote about a video that was taken of the Walker protestors who lined the sidewalk outside the school. The video captures one of the thugs verbally intimidating a female school employee, telling her, 'We don’t want you in our neighborhood. Go back to there you came from.'
I ended that article by asking for tips to identify that individual who should have a civil rights complaint filed against him. I received several tips, and the offender has been identified as Brian Rothgery. Not only is Rothgery a former co-president of American Federation of Teachers Local 2169 (the Milwaukee Graduate Assistants Association), but prior to that he was a – wait for it…wait for it – an SEIU organizer!"