Friday, September 16, 2011
"Michelle Blames it on the Kids"
If you prefer to be duped, so be it.
This writer sees it for what is is...
This writer sees it for what is is...
Jeannie-ology discusses vacations on her blog:
"So, after three years and the reported millions in taxpayer dollars spent this year alone on Michelle Obama’s vacation expenses, family time, 'private' family vacations, and the 'long-planned family trip' excuses are starting to get old.
Especially for Americans whose chances of ever taking a family vacation again are almost as likely as Mrs. Obama wearing a designer outfit twice, staying at a Motel 6™, or going 60 days without taking off on a costly excursion financed with other people’s money, justified with the excuse that visiting Costa del Sol is 'quality time' with the kids."