Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"Insult Obama? Not on this campus!"
I thought we were all well educated about the First Amendment by now.
Apparently not so on some college campuses.
Caution - this article contains very strong language...
Apparently not so on some college campuses.
Caution - this article contains very strong language...
Robert Shibley handles this story very well at Daily Caller.com:
"Insulting the president and other government officials is practically a national pastime in the United States. This is a testament to the freedom of our society; in some parts of the world, insulting those who govern earns you swift punishment, or at least official censorship. That isn’t the case in America — unless you live on a college campus.
Students at Sam Houston State University (SHSU) in Texas found this out the hard way yesterday when they erected a 'free speech wall' — a recently popular way for students to highlight the importance of free speech in which students put up a freestanding wall covered in paper, upon which anyone can write anything they want. Students jumped on the chance to participate."