Thursday, September 29, 2011
EDITORIAL: The solar swindle - Washington Times
There was a time when I couldn't believe anything like this.
These days, it actually makes sense and seems likely.
Politicians are disrespecting us on a grand scale.
It's time for a change...
These days, it actually makes sense and seems likely.
Politicians are disrespecting us on a grand scale.
It's time for a change...
The Washington Times tells us this and more:
"His agenda was designed to drive up the cost of efficient, carbon-based energy to match the price of expensive power wearing the trendy “renewable” label. The rationale: When artificially inflated prices for oil, natural gas and coal begin to bleed consumers dry, they’ll have no choice but to turn to politically correct forms of energy like sunlight, wind and biofuels. The 'greenhouse gas' menace would end, according to liberal belief, purported global warming would be remedied, and we finally would “get ourselves back to the Garden,” as the iconic Woodstock-era song urged.
The administration has spent nearly three years blocking access to America’s abundant carbon-based energy resources and throwing cash at 'green' manufacturers. In effect, it has been an attempt to ruin a proven market and replace it with a government-approved one"