Tuesday, September 13, 2011
"The Cult of Obama"
Here's a few sentences that are part of a bigger thought.
You'll have to at least read the beginning of this article to see how this portion fits in...
You'll have to at least read the beginning of this article to see how this portion fits in...
Robin of Berkeley writes at AmericanThinker.com:
"Why now? This may be the most important question of our time. Why are some people reaching the boiling point? Why do many others look vacant, like in an Invasion of the Body Snatchers? The shootings at military bases, from Little Rock to Fort Hood -- why now?
It's Obama, of course.
Liberals will excoriate me for writing this. They'll insist that bad behavior is not Obama's fault. He's a man of peace.
But study the phenomenon of cults, and the dynamics are always the same. The leader can incite violence without ever getting his hands dirty. Obama is controlling the marionette of the masses.
If Obamamania is a cult, then Obama is the cult leader. Cult leaders routinely pull the strings of their followers. The most extreme example is Charles Manson. He rots in prison for murders he never committed. He didn't have to do the dirty work. His brainwashed charges did his bidding."