Thursday, August 25, 2011
"Did Kerry's Swift Boat Hatchet Man Fake His Own Silver Star?"
Apparently, justice is being served here.
Unfortunately, once again, the biased media failed completely to look into this guy' claims and accepted AND published them profusely in an effort to undermine those who wanted the truth to come out...
Unfortunately, once again, the biased media failed completely to look into this guy' claims and accepted AND published them profusely in an effort to undermine those who wanted the truth to come out...
Scott Swett has the story at
"Wade Sanders' name will be familiar to those who recall the political battles between John Kerry and the veterans who opposed him in 2004. A key member of Kerry's 'Band of Brothers,' Sanders helped introduce his long-time friend at the Democratic National Convention. The two men had trained together at Naval Base Coronado nearly 40 years earlier, before deploying to Vietnam to serve as Navy Swift boat officers. Like Kerry, Sanders found time to do extensive filming in Vietnam, accumulating footage later used in Kerry's campaign film 'Going Upriver.' Among Kerry's handful of highly-publicized veteran supporters, Sanders was probably the most visible -- and the most virulent.
Most of Sanders' efforts targeted the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group formed by Navy veterans who had known Kerry in Vietnam and doubted his fitness to serve as Commander-in-Chief. While the group was being organized, Sanders was already calling and firing off messages to hundreds of former sailors, pressuring them not to sign up."