Wednesday, July 13, 2011
"The Sugar Daddy Has Run Out of Sugar; Now We Need New Leaders"
Governor Palin continues to point out what America SHOULD be doing as opposed to what's going on.
No one else seems to have the "courage" to say these things.
I like the "other peoples money" idea.
More power to her. How about presidential power?...
No one else seems to have the "courage" to say these things.
I like the "other peoples money" idea.
More power to her. How about presidential power?...
Sarah Palin writes about America's situations at
"The same 'experts' who got us into this mess are now telling us that the only way out of our debt crisis is to 'increase revenue,' but not by creating more jobs and therefore a larger tax base; no, they want to 'increase revenue' by raising taxes on job creators who are taxed enough already! As Margaret Thatcher said, 'The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.' That’s where we are now. Hard working taxpayers have been big government’s Sugar Daddy for far too long, and now we’re out of sugar. We don’t want big government, we can’t afford it, and we are unwilling to pay for it.
This debt ceiling debate is the perfect time to do what must be done. We must cut. Yes, I’m for a balanced budget amendment and for enforceable spending caps. But first and foremost we must cut spending, not 'strike a deal' that allows politicians to raise more debt! See, Washington is addicted to OPM – Other People’s Money. And like any junkie, they will lie, steal, and cheat to fund their addiction. We must cut them off and cut government down to size."