Saturday, July 23, 2011
"Arab world’s views of U.S., President Obama increasingly negative, new poll finds"
These poll numbers are worse than when Bush was President.
I wonder how you say "how's that hope and change working for you" in Arabic?...
I wonder how you say "how's that hope and change working for you" in Arabic?...
Jason Ukman has this and more on the Washington Post website:
"Fewer than 10 percent of respondents described themselves as having a favorable view of Obama. The president’s ratings were the lowest on 'the Palestinian issue' and 'engagement with the Muslim world,' as the categories were described in the survey.
The poll was conducted over the course of a month among 4,000 respondents in six countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Morocco. Pollsters began their work shortly after a major speech Obama gave on the Middle East, in which he spoke broadly of his vision in the Middle East and pressed Israel, in unusually frank terms, to reach a final peace agreement with the Palestinians."