Monday, June 06, 2011
"Sarah Palin's tour a rolling menace" is a political news and opinion website.
I think they would like us to believe they are impartial. Did you notice the title?
This article is about a private citizen's bus trip and the media's insane, frenzied attempts to keep up with it. Sarah Palin seems to have won.
With that in mind, read this article and decide for yourself...
I think they would like us to believe they are impartial. Did you notice the title?
This article is about a private citizen's bus trip and the media's insane, frenzied attempts to keep up with it. Sarah Palin seems to have won.
With that in mind, read this article and decide for yourself...
Kasie Hunt's article about Sarah Palin as posted on includes this:
"The reporters who are speeding, tailgating, cutting off other cars, blasting through roundabouts and passing on the right in an effort to keep up, say they have no other choice since they never know what Palin’s up to or where she’s headed — and aides typically won’t tell them anything. Once they’re on the road, they’re filing urgent updates by phone and figuring out unorthodox bathroom breaks, like the reporter who pulled over to relieve himself on the side of the highway going from Gettysburg, Pa., to Philadelphia — drawing notice from both Palin aides and the rest of the trailing press."