Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Politicians - U.S. Rep. Barney Frank
Cronyism or nepotism? Either way, it's usually obvious and true.
Many (most) elected officials don't even attempt to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
They seem to even have a set of "rules" for defending it...
Many (most) elected officials don't even attempt to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
They seem to even have a set of "rules" for defending it...
PRE-LINK TEXT Michelle Malkin gives her view at
"If you want to watch a corruptocrat start sputtering like Porky Pig with allergies, confront him with three simple words: conflict of interest. Asked this week about his role in securing an ex-lover's highly coveted job at government mortgage giant Fannie Mae, Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Barney Frank retorted:
'Aba-dee aba-dee aba-dee aba-dee.'
Or that's what it sounded like, anyway."