Sunday, April 03, 2011
"Let the kids play"
We just can't protect everyone from everything...
Connie Woodcock recently wrote this and more in the Toronto Sun:
"If you’re a kid, you can’t walk to school by yourself. It’s too dangerous. You can’t ride your bike to the store. You might be kidnapped. You can’t even ride in the front seat of the car. Way, way too dangerous.
You can’t have playground equipment in your schoolyard. Someone might get hurt. You can’t touch anyone. Touching, as we all know, leads to poking and poking leads to punching and punching leads to … well, we can’t have that. You can’t even play soccer during recess. Again, someone might get hurt.
There are no sandboxes anymore in parks and playgrounds. Cats pee in them. And don’t even think of picking up a snowball. I think that might call for something approaching the death penalty. Best to go home, turn on mom’s Wii Fit program and play the virtual snowball fight game. No actual exercise involved, of course, but much, much safer.
And now, the snow police."