Tuesday, April 12, 2011
"Judge Richard Goldstone’s Stunning Re-evaluation of His Own Report"
The United Nations is not high on my list of competent organizations.
Many of their member nations are openly anti-Israel...
Many of their member nations are openly anti-Israel...
Ron Radosh writes about the Goldstone Report at PajamasMedia.com. It's quite condemning:
"Now, Goldstone asserts, 'We know a lot more today about what happened in the Gaza war of 2008-09 than we did when I chaired the fact-finding commission.' Poppycock! As Goldstone’s numerous critics pointed out as soon as the report was issued, its many vulnerabilities were known at that very moment. One could look no further than the lengthy and devastating critique by Moshe Halbertal that appeared in The New Republic, or the many commentaries on it by Alan Dershowitz. As Dershowitz wrote at the time: 'It is far more accusatory of Israel, far less balanced in its criticism of Hamas, far less honest in its evaluation of the evidence, far less responsible in drawing its conclusion, far more biased against Israeli than Palestinian witnesses, and far more willing to draw adverse inferences of intentionality from Israeli conduct and statements than from comparable Palestinian conduct and statements.'
Mr. Goldstone may prefer that we forget all this, but savvy readers will have no problem finding many sources that pointed to the report’s many flaws in 2009. Nevertheless, it is refreshing to find today that Goldstone now says: 'That the crimes allegedly committed by Hamas were intentional goes without saying – its rockets were purposefully and indiscriminately aimed at civilian targets.' As for serious crimes against civilians that resulted from Israeli defensive action, Goldstone now writes that 'civilians were not intentionally targeted as a matter of policy' by Israel."