Monday, April 18, 2011
"In St. Louis, a protest sign meets government arrogance"
Eminent Domain is a double-edged sword.
It CAN be used for good, and it can be abused...
It CAN be used for good, and it can be abused...
George F. Will recently wrote about this one in the Washington Post. He begins:
"A dialectic of judicial deference and political arrogance is on display in St. Louis. When excessively deferential courts permit governmental arrogance, additional arrogance results as government explores the limits of judicial deference. As Jim Roos knows.
He formed a nonprofit housing and community development corporation that provides residences for people with low incomes. Several times its properties have been seized by the city government, using 'blight' as an excuse for transferring property to developers who can pay more taxes to the seizing government."