Friday, April 01, 2011
"Food shoppers face five-a-day nagging at tills"
The U.K. is even more "nanny" state inclined than we are.
Unfortunately, America seems to be doing our best to catch up...
Unfortunately, America seems to be doing our best to catch up...
Daniel Martin had this in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"Shoppers will be bombarded with messages at supermarket check-outs about eating fruit and vegetables, under plans being considered by Ministers.
Trolleys could even come with a painted line marking where customers should put their healthy produce as part of the proposals which critics will see as an expansion of the nanny state.
Unhealthy options – such as crisps and pies – may be placed on higher shelves than low-calorie and high-fibre foods to dissuade shoppers from buying them."