Thursday, April 21, 2011
"Does Hawaii ever release long-form birth certificates?"
Oh Boy!
Talk shows (like Bill O'Reilly) say you CANNOT get a copy.
And then, there's this. Apparent documentation, including a receipt, for exactly what you "CAN'T" get.
This issue is the epitome of a conspiracy theorist dreams...
Talk shows (like Bill O'Reilly) say you CANNOT get a copy.
And then, there's this. Apparent documentation, including a receipt, for exactly what you "CAN'T" get.
This issue is the epitome of a conspiracy theorist dreams...
Bob Unruh has this at
"A former official with the Hawaii Department of Health says the short-form "Certification of Live Birth" displayed by the Obama campaign in 2008 to demonstrate the candidate's constitutional eligibility as a 'natural born citizen' to occupy the Oval Office is the only document the state releases.
But the experience of others who have received copies of original long-form birth certificates by request contradicts Chiyome Fukino, former head of the state agency in charge of birth records, including those that may reveal details of Barack Obama's 1961 birth.
It was in an interview with MSNBC that Fukino asserted that the state issues only short-form Certifications of Live Birth."