Friday, March 25, 2011
"Model Student, Sports Star Suspended for Paring Knife Mix-Up"
This story seems to highlight the problems of "political correctness", "zero tolerance", and the apparent inability of people to actually "think" and use common sense.
We have created a society where everyone feels the need to "protect" themselves, either legally, from public opinion, or from making a decision that may turn out to be wrong...
We have created a society where everyone feels the need to "protect" themselves, either legally, from public opinion, or from making a decision that may turn out to be wrong...
Bryan Preston posted this story a while back at
"An athletic and academic standout in Lee County said a lunchbox mix-up has cut short her senior year of high school and might hurt her college opportunities.
Ashley Smithwick, 17, of Sanford, was suspended from Southern Lee High School in October after school personnel found a small paring knife in her lunchbox.
Smithwick said personnel found the knife while searching the belongings of several students, possibly looking for drugs.
'She got pulled into it. She doesn’t have to be a bad person to be searched,' Smithwick’s father, Joe Smithwick, said.
The lunchbox really belonged to Joe Smithwick, who packs a paring knife to slice his apple. He and his daughter have matching lunchboxes.
'It’s just an honest mistake. That was supposed to be my lunch because it was a whole apple,' he said."