Tuesday, March 29, 2011
John Yoo: Antiwar Senator, War-Powers President - WSJ.com
Issue by issue, we hear elected officials spouting strong opinions and arguing for a cause.
Unfortunately, we often forget that they are politicians first, and caretakers of our well-being second.
You don't need to be a genius to figure out which is the priority...
Unfortunately, we often forget that they are politicians first, and caretakers of our well-being second.
You don't need to be a genius to figure out which is the priority...
John Yoo has a lot to say in the Wall Street Journal. This particular paragraph reminds us that Washington opinions are ALL political:
"Imagine the uproar if President Bush had unilaterally launched air attacks against Libya's Moammar Gadhafi. But since it's Mr. Obama's finger on the trigger, Democratic leaders in Congress have kept quiet—demonstrating that their opposition to presidential power during the Bush years was political, not principled."