Friday, February 11, 2011
"David Cameron versus the Islamists: the Prime Minister throws down the gauntlet to a deadly enemy"
Some things just need to be said.
British Prime Minister David Cameron recently said some of them.
Time will tell whether he's sincere or just being a politician...
British Prime Minister David Cameron recently said some of them.
Time will tell whether he's sincere or just being a politician...
Nile Gardiner offers his opinion in the U.K. Daily Telegraph:
"The Prime Minister’s speech was among the most important of his premiership so far, dealing with a subject critical to British national security, as well as the future of Britain as a free nation. It was a powerful condemnation of a deadly Islamist ideology that threatens the very fabric of British society, as well as a wholehearted rejection of 'the doctrine of state multiculturalism'. As Cameron noted:..."