Thursday, February 17, 2011
"American Thinker: No Coal, No Power, No Gas"
Government at work doing what they do best, and here's the result...
Jeffrey Folks writes about this gem at
"How was it that Texas suffered an extended period of rolling blackouts at a time when there's a glut of coal and natural gas waiting to be used?
The answer may be quite simple. It seems that a great deal of natural gas got 'stuck in the pipes' because there was not enough electricity to operate the pumps to move it along. And there was not enough electricity to operate the pumps because environmentalists had seen to it that plans for new coal-powered generating plants had been shuttered back in 2007. So without the coal, there was no electricity, and without the electricity, there was no natural gas. And since much of the natural gas was intended to supply electrical power generating plants, there was even less electricity to supply the pumps and everything else."