Monday, January 24, 2011
"Is Palin Done? They Wish"
For those who don't know history, the "silent majority" in America wields the ultimate power.
Like Mother Nature, the "silent majority" can make or break anything.
If one can get their attention and support, anything is possible...
Like Mother Nature, the "silent majority" can make or break anything.
If one can get their attention and support, anything is possible...
Mike Metroulas offers this and more at
"Sarah Palin’s detractors in the media are certainly prone to wishful thinking concerning the Cuda’s potential as the Republican nominee in 2012. Since Palin’s statement on the Tucson tragedy, some have written her off as a serious contender for the Republican nomination. Doyle McManus states in the LA Times that:
…she’s not going to be her party’s presidential nominee.
I disagree, Mr. McManus. As of now, if she wants it, it is hers. Of course, that may change, but a Palin run for the nomination would unleash a grassroots fury of support unseen on the right for a Republican presidential nominee in recent memory, and her detractors know it. Why else would much of the mainstream media be scrambling so often to convince independents that Palin isn’t viable? Plus, many of these people just do not like Palin and what she stands for, which is a pragmatic, principled view of government and fierce American individualism. Mainstream media types generally prefer theorizing about complex strategies and solutions to problems that were most likely created by over-theorizing in the first place. It’s how they were trained in academia and sometimes they just can’t help it. However, life isn’t complicated, and Sarah Palin knows it."