Sunday, January 16, 2011
"Is John Boehner the Real Deal?"
Well, I hope he is...
Richard Pollock writes about him at Pajamas
"Not to make too much of it, but Boehner is a political figure who has eluded celebrity status in this town where celebrity is craved. Instead, Boehner is a virtual unknown face to the American people. His biggest claims to fame have to do with his tan and his ability to cry. In fact, Boehner took out the handkerchief twice on Wednesday to wipe away tears before he received the gavel.
But mostly, Boehner is most comfortable working behind the scenes without fanfare. He’s a doer — he held the Republicans together during the last two years. In public, he is not a sweet talker. It was revealing that his acceptance speech was a bit halting, not polished like his counterpart on the opposite side of Pennsylvania Avenue, President Barack Obama."