Sunday, November 14, 2010
"Michelle Obama’s $400 Million ‘Food Desert’ Scam"
This seems very much like many government ideas.
The concept sounds "right"; however, upon further review, the facts don't stand up to the premise.
As usual, government is so intent on getting credit for "helping" that they fail to do due diligence...
The concept sounds "right"; however, upon further review, the facts don't stand up to the premise.
As usual, government is so intent on getting credit for "helping" that they fail to do due diligence...
Terence P. Jeffrey writes about it at
"First Lady Michelle Obama has called on Congress to create a $400 million-a-year program to encourage the establishment of supermarkets in places she calls 'food deserts.'
The situation in these 'food deserts,' as Mrs. Obama describes it, is quite dire indeed. American children are growing fat because their parents cannot get to a supermarket—to buy fruits and vegetables—without undergoing the hardship of boarding a bus or riding a taxi. As a consequence, food-desert-dwelling children are forced to eat fast food and junk procured at chain restaurants and convenience stores."