Monday, November 15, 2010
Barack Obama - "He Won’t Be Ignored!"
There's no flattery here...
On her blog, Joy Tiz writes and concludes:
"Will Obama do a Clintonesque tack to the center following such devastating blows to his ego and agenda?
No. He won’t. It’s unrealistic to assume Obama can find the center at all; nothing in his history suggests he is anything other than a radical Marxist. There is virtually nothing in Obama’s history to suggest he that he knows very much about the country he is supposed to lead. What we do know is that his closest friends and mentors have almost unanimously been radicals who despise America and see this great nation not as the greatest source of freedom and liberty in the world, but as its most menacing scourge.
The leader of the free world is becoming increasingly ticked off at America. No one can predict when Obama’s disorder will become too obvious for even the lap dog press to ignore. But, one thing is for certain–he’s not going to get better."