Saturday, October 02, 2010
Politicians - U.S. Rep. Russ Carnahan of Missouri
Right in our face!
This seems so obvious that it seems like a dare to do something about it...
This seems so obvious that it seems like a dare to do something about it...
Amanda Carey recently reported this at
"Democratic Rep. Russ Carnahan of Missouri is a rank-and-file Democrat. According to, he has voted with the Democratic Party 99 percent of the time since he assumed office in 2005, and was among those who consistently espoused the merits of the 2009 stimulus package.
He has, in other words, been a good reliable Democrat for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Obama. And it seems the obedience has not gone unnoticed.
Earlier this month, the White House released a report entitled, '100 Recovery Act Projects that are Changing America.' Number 18 on the list is Lost Creek Wind Farm in DeKalb County, Missouri, which received a $107 million grant from the Department of Energy. And it just so happens that Lost Creek was founded by Tom Carnahan – Russ’ brother."