Tuesday, October 19, 2010
"Media Pushes NOW Is the ‘Voice of Women’ Lie"
I think this writer has this right.
N.O.W. "sounds" like it would be right FOR women; however, over the years they've proven that they have an agenda that frequently overrides that perception...
N.O.W. "sounds" like it would be right FOR women; however, over the years they've proven that they have an agenda that frequently overrides that perception...
Lori Ziganto explains it very well at BigJournalism.com:
"N.O.W., the National Organization of Whores, leaped into the lead for the title of most epically hypocritical organization this week. Whoops, silly me! I mean National Organization for Women. But, as ExJon of Exurban League pointed out to me, they won’t mind being called whores, will they? I mean, they obviously have no problem with that term, otherwise a group who claims to be For the Women™ would not, you know, endorse men who slur women with that term, now would they?
Of course they would. And did.
A mere 24 hours after Jerry Brown was caught calling Meg Whitman, his opponent in the race for California Governor, a 'whore,' they endorsed him. Proof positive once again that Leftist feminists, including their cult-like organizations, will stop at nothing, even rewarding sexism, to further their true agenda. An agenda which is not one of concern for women at all."