Monday, October 04, 2010
Arizona Sheriff Arpaio Gets Favorable Audit -
The "main stream" media isn't likely to say much about this.
It does seem apparent that this sheriff is only "wrong" politically.
At least so far. We'll have to wait and see...
It does seem apparent that this sheriff is only "wrong" politically.
At least so far. We'll have to wait and see...
However, Evan Perez DOES report on it in the Wall StreetJournal:
"Hispanic and civil-liberties groups have criticized practices of Mr. Arpaio, such as using tents to house detainees and dressing them in pink uniforms.
The Marshals Service conducted routine inspections of jail facilities operated by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office in September 2009 and again recently. Those inspections, separate from the Justice civil-rights probe, were done as part of agreements under which the Maricopa sheriff houses some of the Marshals Service's federal prisoners.
Mr. Arpaio's department polices much of the suburban region outside of Phoenix.
In the inspections, the Marshals Service gave Mr. Arpaio's facility 'compliant' grades, the highest mark, in all major categories, according to the September 2009 inspection reports. In another series of inspections this month, the Maricopa County jails received the same grades, Marshals Service spokesman Thomas Henman said."