Wednesday, September 01, 2010
"(Even a Few) Words Matter"
History has clearly demonstrated that showing weakness has undesirable consequences.
Of course, there doesn't seem to be much attention paid to history...
Of course, there doesn't seem to be much attention paid to history...
At, Victor Davis Hanson writes about how words influence the action of others in the world of foreign policy and concludes:
"Even little words and gestures still matter in high-stakes international relations. Bad actors look hard for even the smallest sign that they might get away with aggression without consequences.
A deferential and apologetic President Obama may think he is making those abroad like us --and he may be right in some cases. But if history is any guide, aggressive powers are paying close attention to these seemingly insignificant signs Soon, they may turn their wild ideas into concrete aggression -- once they convince themselves that America neither wants to nor is able to stop them. "