Thursday, September 16, 2010
Americans With Disabilities Act - John Stossel
I'm am strong critic of lawmakers passing laws for their own expedient reasons without considering the possible unintended consequences.
I think it's a major reason why elected officials are held in such low esteem...
I think it's a major reason why elected officials are held in such low esteem...
At, John Stossel writes about he ADA and how it has played out compared to it's good intentions:
"The ADA was popular with Republicans and Democrats. It passed both houses of Congress with overwhelming majorities, 377 to 28 in the House and 91 to 6 in the Senate.
What does it do? The ADA prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities, requiring businesses to provide the disabled 'equal access' and to make "reasonable accommodation' for employees. Tax credits and deductions are available for special equipment (talking computers, for instance) and modifying buildings to comply with the accessibility mandate.
The ADA was supposed to help more disabled people find jobs. But did it?"